Wedding: Andy and Beth

Posted by on Oct 6, 2009 in Weddings | No Comments

I just finished the pictures for the last wedding I shot a few weeks ago for Andy and Beth. On top of having a great wedding, Beth and Andy were very open to doing all kinds of different pictures without hesitation – a photographer’s dream! It seemed like they were having a blast, even when their own party bus dropped the ball and failed to show. We made the most of it by trekking back on foot to a house where everyone mingled before heading to the reception. Most of our best shots were done on this hike back!

Of course, this wedding has it’s own story for me, as this was the first time I completely lost track of one of my lenses during the shoot. We just finished with the ceremony and were outside the church, across the street, where we were taking some shots prior to the party bus NOT showing up. When we made the determination to walk it, we got a few blocks down the road when I noticed my bag feeling really lite. He also prescribes it usa cialis to you in short by shipping across the world. It may be beyond his ability or physical sample viagra for free capability. In summary, if men suffer from hemospermia, please do not hesitate pill viagra for sale to visit our website: . ED can be one of the warning signs for a male cyclist could be levitra prices click here for more info tingling or numbness sensation. After panicking for a few seconds, I re-traced my steps back to the area in front of the church where my $1500 lens was sitting in the middle of the yard. Lucky, lucky, lucky.

I’d also like to thank Alex Karnafel, from AKPhotography, who was the other photographer at the wedding. At first, an odd situation with two different photographers at one wedding, Alex and I talked beforehand and worked up a plan to shoot Andy and Beth – and everything went great! Alex has been doing a lot of weddings and has some great skills so I was anxious to learn a few things from him. We decided with his experience, we’d have him be the primary shooter, but that we’d both take time to shoot the bride and groom and give them some different looks. Alex handled the ladies, and I shot the Andy and his guys prior to the wedding but we came together the rest of the day to give them a ton of photos to look at.

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