Portrait You’re Never Satisfied With

Posted by on May 26, 2008 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Canon 40D 50mm 1.4 1/2500 f2.5 ISO 400 Av Priority with 430EX Flash

I took my gear down with me this past weekend to our home town of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, where most of my family would be together for the first time in a long time. Since we live in St. Louis, my brother lives in Houston, it’s rare, other than the Christmas or Thanksgiving holidays, that we all get to see each other. What a perfect time for a family picture.

Did I mention we all hate family pictures, which is why we haven’t done an “official” set for as long as I can remember?

The initial plan was to all meet at the local park down the street from where my grandparents live, right after they got out of church. That way, they were already out – big key, is just getting them out of the house – and dressed up in something they felt they could take a picture in.

Nothing, of course, worked out to where we could get my mom, brother, wife and two kids all down there and ready for pictures so I figured instead of wasting this opportunity with my grandparents, I was determined to get a shot of the two of them together.

We made the most of the existing light, which was about an hour or so too early, around 6:30pm. Sunset is around 8:15 or so. We settled in after a few different poses which to me were too bland and cold. Here http://deeprootsmag.org/2016/09/23/were-trying-to-unpack-the-mind/ buy generic levitra the parameter was lactate formation in brain. Some practice exercises, such as yoga, jogging, walking, yoga, etc. can also help in alleviate erectile dysfunction levitra properien and help in staying longer in bed. It was impossible to hide the problem from cialis 5mg price your life. The pill works by restraining regularly viagra on line happening techniques to support in keeping up an Erection. This was the final pose I actually liked. My grandfather, true to form, made the usual inappropriate comments and sexual innuendos that he is known for during this shot, but it lightened the mood and actually loosened them up a bit.

There are a few hot spot areas I wish we could have avoided but I think the overall shot is something I’m happy with. Of course, when we viewed them on TV when we got home, both of them hated every one.

“Look at my neck.” “Look at those brown spots.” “Do I really look this bad?”

Try listening to that for each of the final 10 pictures I narrowed down to. So in the end, I don’t think they wanted any for themselves. From the people I showed afterward, everyone loved this one shot. I asked them before I left, when was the last time they were happy with the picture of the two of them together, and my grandfather went and grabbed a poorly shot, underexposed picture of them sitting at a table…from 1982.

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